1.Carpal tunnel syndrome.

Recommended asana- Bhujangasana ( cobra pose)

Pose Instructions- laying flat on your belly, bring your hands under your shoulders with your forehead touching the floor. Hug your elbows back and into your body.Activate the legs by pointing your toes away from you and pressing the tops of your feet into the floor. Keep your hips pressed against the floor. On an inhalation, slowly lift your chest off the floor using the strength of your back. 3-5 breaths, release to the floor on an exhalation. Repeat few times.


Recommended asana- Uttanasana (standing forward bend)

Pose instructions- Stand in Tadasana ( mountain pose) with feet hip width apart. Bend forward, keeping your knees straight. Place hands behind the ankles, calves, or knees,according to your level of comfort and flexibility. If your hamstrings are tight, bend the knees a little bit. Hold for 1-2 minutes and come back to standing.

3.Common cold.

Recommended asana- Adho Mukha Svanasana ( downward-facing dog pose)

Pose instruction - From a position of all fours on the floor, lift the buttocks up toward the sky on an exhalation. Elongate the spine, and straighten the knees as much as you can without forcing. Lift from the wrists and from the top front of the thighs closest to the hips. Move the abdominal muscles in and keep them firm, drop your head toward the floor and let it hang loosely. Stay for 5 breaths and after release.


Recommended asana.- Viparita Karani( legs-up-the-wall pose)

Pose instructions- for your support you will need one or two folded blankets or bolster. You will also need to rest your legs vertically on a wall. With the back of the pelvis on the blankets placed 5-6 inches from the wall, swing the legs up to the wall. Drop your sitting bones into place between the blanket and the wall and open your arms out to the sides.I your hamstrings feel tight, try turning the legs slightly in, or move the blankets closer to the wall. Relax into the pose, holding minimum for 5 minutes.

5.Back pain.

Recommended asana- Prasarita Padottanasana (wide-legged standing forward bend)

Pose instruction- stand tall, with the feet parallel, 4to5 feet apart. Yes you are looking for stability and grounding. Rotating the pelvis over the hip joints, so the alignment of the spine doesn’t change, place the hands on the floor. If your hamstrings are tight, you may have to place your hands on two blocks to avoid hinging in the lower back.Stay in the pose anywhere between 5-10 breaths.To come out, on the inhale lift your back up to standing.


Recommended asana- Supta Baddha Konasana (reclining bound angle pose)

Pose instruction- for your support you will need block, few pillows, bolster, blanket. Turn on relaxing music. If you wish. Set a block lengthwise on your mat, on it’s second highest height. Place bolster over the block is centered underneath the top half of the bolster. Sit in front of the bottom half of the bolster with your sacrum touching it’s edge. Slowly lie back, then place the blankets under the outer thighs.Press the soles of the feet together and let the knees drop open onto the blankets.Put some pillow under the head.If you wish place a rice bag over the eyes, then bring your arms out to your sides,palms facing up, with each exhale bring your knees closer to the ground, relax your chest. Remain natural breathing and stay here for 30-45 minutes.


Recommended asana-Paschimottanasana (seated forward bend)

Pose instruction- sit on your mat with legs outstretched. On inhale stretch the arms overhead and lengthen the spine. On exhale, reach the arm forward and rest the hands on the feet, calves, or knees, depending on your level of flexibility. Stay in the pose, deep inhalation and successive exhalation, let the torso sink toward the legs. Stay for 10-15 breaths and after inhaling, come up to sitting.

8.Computer vision syndrome.

Recommended asana- Savasana (corpse pose)

Pose instruction. - Laying on your back, close your eyes, and rest your arms comfortably at your sides, palm facing up. Put a rise bag or towel on top of your eyes if you wish. Let your feet naturally turn out. Feel the weight of your head, shoulders, back, pelvis, leg, let your body completely to relax. Take a few deep abdominal breaths to release tension.After resting as long as 20 minutes, slowly roll over to your right side and use your arms to push yourself up.